Thursday, August 6, 2009

Paulina, Founder of the Catskill Wellness Guide, Tells How She Got The VISION to Start This Website.


Paulina, Founder, Catskills Wellness Guide

It’s all here... the first-ever wellness resource guide exclusively dedicated to the Catskill Region of Upstate New York.

Paulina, Founder of the Catskill Wellness Guide, Tells How She Got The VISION to Start This Website.

Ahh yes, I love Delaware county - so glad to know you've pulled I Love Delaware County website
together Pat!

I came up with the idea for
Catskill Wellness Guide in a yoga class of all places. I think it was during one of those strange celestial times we've been having lately (you know, the three eclipses, then something happened before that, and then before that there was the retrograde).

I don't know much about astrology, but when I go to Marilyn's (Sat Nam Yoga) class, she's always got little astrological updates for us, and I think that time was special some how.

Anyway, I made an intention before class (as she usually asks us to do) for clarity, and just a few minutes into it, this idea dawned on me.

I thought it was sort of ironic since the excitement about it was more distracting than the intention I had set for the class, but afterward I realized that in that moment I became clear about something much bigger. I think it was a deeply buried dream of mine, that somehow was finally able to bubble up to the surface of my consciousness in that moment.

Anyway, since I had the idea, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I was sketching on the train (I live in Woodbourne, NY and go in to NYC once a week for work on the train from Middletown, NY), strategizing while standing in line at the grocery store, and basically gearing up to create this website.

I was amazed at the power that I found within myself to create the site. I lead a very busy life, so in the past, any time I've aimed to help someone with a website it took months to execute.

But in this case, I had something basic up within 3 weeks. And was on Google a week later - an amazing feat according to my tech savvy friends.

That was just around July 25th, 2009 ... and it's been a roller coaster since!

Anyway, so that's the background on how it got started out, but I'm happy to tell you more if you'd like. You can also see the vision statement on this page:

I'll wrap up here for now... thanks Pat!

Be well,

Copyright Pat Crosby, 2009. All rights reserved. Permission granted to reprint without charge or profit as long as article is republished in entirety and all links left intact.

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