Sunday, August 23, 2009

Golden Hills of Goldenrod now in Blossom. By Pat Crosby

By Pat Crosby
Aah... August!

Years ago - when I used to commute weekly back and forth from the
Catskill Mountains to New York City - I would notice the colors on the
hills rolling past the bus windows were different each week.
Some weeks the hills were pink. Some weeks blue. Some weeks, purple.
Then some white. Sometimes orange.

It was always such a delightful, amazing surprise to revel in the
colorful surprises lining the fields along the highway.
Then come late summer, all would be ablaze in golden golden golden goldenrods.
Latin: (Solidago spp.)

Now that I have moved and live in the Catskill mountains of New York, when I walk out now on my mountain side, the goldenrods are so thick and voluptuous, I have to push and stomp some aside to be able to get a foothold on the walking path. Or to get into and reach the delectable red raspberries and blackberries growing just beyond the reach of the path.

This year, I am starting to learn about and harvest my own herbs...
preparing for the long winter ahead with various complaints like sore
throats, stuffy noses, sore muscles from snow shoveling ...pick your
choice of winter maladies.

I like using nature's choice, right outside my windows, for simple
relief and comfort from the various bumps along the road of life.
With the power of google search, I began researching the healthful
properties of these gorgeously arrayed wild flowers and herbs growing
so abundantly everywhere in the Catskills.

As I have upside down sprays of assorted wild flowers and herbs now
fragrantly drying in my living room windows, I am simultaneously
studying their documented uses and preparation methods.
So many interesting google results - from the folklore wisdom, the
indigenous wisdom, and now more and more scientific documentation of
the healing properties of our natural health plants growing everywhere
you look.

Here is just one site I found about goldenrod... I am studying it
while enjoying my goldenrod tea that I just picked, boiled, and am now

You can, of course, spend endless fascinating hours doing google
searches yourself on the wonders of our natural plants.
Then if you decide to collect and put some of these wondrous plans
aside for the winter, you can have lots of fun experiencing what they
can do.

I think I will have a little sale of the naturally organic,
wild-crafted plants I have been harvesting... with all due thanks to
Mother Nature and the wonderful plant spirits!

By the way, herbal plants are powerful - as much as they are
delightful and fragrant. So be sure to do lots of research and check
with your medical provider if you have any health conditions and/or
are taking any prescription medications.

Pat Crosby

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Please note, this article has not been submitted, reviewed, or
otherwise considered by the FDA. No health claims are made or implied.
This information is for entertainment purposes only. Consult your
health practitioners for any medical concerns or recommendations.

Copyright 2009, Pat Crosby. All Rights Reserved. Feel free to share
and disseminate this article as long as full credit and links are
given, and the article is left intact.

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